The benefits of sleep to health that you have not thought of

Editor: Theodore Deacon
The good and enough sleep is necessary for our health. We’ve all had sleepless nights, and the particularly tough mornings that the…
follow. We don’t have energy, our mood drops in tartarus. Let’s see what are the benefits of sleep, in addition to removes dark circles under our eyes.
Better memory
While we sleep, our mind, in a way “practicing” all the new knowledge and skills she has acquired, making us to learn better. Yet another reason, therefore, to allow children and students to stay up late reading is not a good idea.
It helps us to live longer
The exaggeration, whether we are talking about too little or too much sleep, can reduce the duration of our lives. This is precisely why we need to sleep the correct hours, and to have a stable sleep schedule.
Fights inflammation
The inflammation linked with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and premature aging. Adequate sleep can help our body to fight inflammation.
More creativity
Sleep helps our brain to organize better the memories and our thoughts, with the result that we are more creative the next day. And more creativity means better performance at work, reduced stress, and – in turn – still the best sleep.
Improves school performance
If you are parents, that’s another reason to take care of your child sleeping better. Studies have shown that children who suffer from sleep disorders face problems in school. So if your child loses systematically sleep, it’s time to troubleshoot the problem.
Improves concentration
Lack of sleep can cause in children symptoms similar to those of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Therefore, the child’s abilities to concentrate on what I have to do is reduced dramatically.
Helps regulate the weight
Diet, exercise, and good sleep. These three our body needs to expel the excess pounds, but usually forget the importance of sleep. Sleep and metabolism are regulated by the same region of the brain. The hormones that are secreted when we are sleep-deprived are the same as those that make us what we need foods rich in carbohydrates.