Nikos Ganos: the Whole truth about his absence from the NaMaSte

From Easter Monday Nikos Ganos absent from the show NaMaSte for health reasons…
The singer and cohost Natalie Germanos, in accordance with information of the from the Big Saturday had an intense irritation in his eye that he didn’t back down despite the drops she put in. On Easter Monday he was forced to go to the hospital where doctors diagnosed him with viral conjunctivitis. “They told me that it’s contagious, you don’t need if I come into contact with other people not even my right eye with the left (for example when I dry myself with the towel), and, of course, is expressly forbidden to come in contact with the brushes or to put on makeup because, once again, I will convey the infection”, said Nikos Ganos in a telephone communication that we had with him.
The singer was followed by medication and as reported today at noon, I go to the show you will just have to be very careful so he and those around him.
Impression, however, caused the photos you posted Niko, in his personal profile on Instagram, which showed him to enjoy moments of relaxation in Mykonos.
“No guys, I’m not in Mykonos, in Athens, I’m in my house. These photos I took on a previous trip and uploaded it now because I think back to the moments,” he explained while he was the property that there is in these photos can be added and let’s not you are in that moment in that particular place.